Monday, December 21, 2009
Overbetting the river
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thoughts on Stop & Go? + bet sizes for punishing an UTG HBL/minraiser?
HH1 is a stop & go that worked (although he called). Asarpoj had minraised from button 3 orbits in a row to my BB. I was really getting annoyed as I knew he was stealing, but my hands had been the worst ever. The 4th orbit I decided to use the stop & go with ATC. Anyway, he used the timebutton all the way (interesting to observe what this move does to another player vs. how quick they sometimes call an AI).
HH2 is punishing the HBL Aaron. Any thoughts on this hand? There is a tight platinum star (mjh) still left to act + saitek who is a multitabler with nice stats.
HH3 is the famous suited gapper. I was so shortstacked and desperate + my TAG image got the folds.
HH4-8 I chickened out and decided to creep ITM, lol.
Step 4 Alternatives
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Step 3...
I obviously played this rather cautiously. I was forced to become even more passive due to my position. I was squeezed between two dagerous players. Dei overnuts to my right was in the previous Step3 game. He is very aggressive often raising oop pf, raising on the flop or turn and surprizingly often firing a second barrel on one of the final streets. Worse, the only times he had to show his cards he had a solid hand. I wanted to avoid confronting him. The later stage chip leader was to my left.
H31 utg min-raise with QQ. That was asking for trouble. Nice flop for me though :) Once I doubled I was playing to conserve chips.
H52 Happy to see Dei overnuts go.
H53 First sign of life from rjgrolsch. Keep an eye on him from now on. Bubble play starts.
H76 Any thoughts on this one?
H107 Bubble finally bursts, but I’m got one of the smallest stacks. rjgrolsch with a hammer lock on the table starts getting aggressive.
H115 Glad the limpers let me see the flop for free.
H129 Any thoughts? I didn’t want to play post flop with this hand and chose to play it safe (weak).
H138 Oh yeah, this nice flop helped secure my Step 4 ticket.
H140 Any thoughts? Normally this is an easy call (or all in to isolate the shorty). Playing the hand greatly increases the chance of knocking out the shorty. However, if he wins the hand I’m suddenly in bad shape.
All in all a pretty boring 140 hands to watch, but I am thrilled with the outcome!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
My daughter plays a 3/45 turbo..............
We discussed the hands afterwards, and she told me helself which hands she should have played differently. Not too bad for a 10 year old!
Monday, December 14, 2009
$13 6-max (playing against a minraiser to your left)
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Minraising Links
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thoughts on MinRaising
We don’t talk about it too often, but one must always ask the question ”What am I trying to achieve by playing this hand?” If you are first to act, then the answer is typically one of the following:
- A. Gain equity with a strong hand
- B. See a flop cheaply with a potential hand
- C. Steal the blinds
Gaining equity with a strong hand
Let’s say you have AA. You will gladly get all your chips in the middle with this hand, but you don’t want to scare away all the action. AA vs 1 player with a random hand is 85% favorite. However, vs 2 players you drop to a 70% favorite and vs 3 other players you are down to close to 60%. In other words, you decrease your equity with each extra player. Limiting the number of players is an important way of ensuring that your premium hands hold up.
See a flop cheaply with a potential hand
Let’s say you have Axs, medium sc or a small pocket pair. In these situations you want as many players as possible seeing the flop. This pads the pot. More importantly, when you flop a monster, the extra players increase the likelyhood that someone will pay you off.
With premium hands you are ahead preflop but usually end up with top pair, top kicker. With potential hands, you are behind preflop or at least vulnerable, but are hoping to flop a set, straight or flush. These monster hands hold up better than TPTK in multiway pots.
Furthermore, you want a minimum investment since you are only flopping a set 1 in 8 hands. A small investment makes it easy to fold the hand the 7 times that you brick the flop. Small investment is also why these are profitable early in the game, but less so as the blinds increase.
If someone reraises preflop, you have an easy fold.
Stealing the Blinds
Now you have a decent hand in late position and an unopened pot. The blinds have become worth stealing. Min-raising makes calling with ATC mathmatically correct for the bb. A larger bet increases the likelyhood that they fold and makes it incorrect for the bb to call with a less than average hand. Remember, you are trying to steal, your cards only matter if have to play post flop.
It might seem like min-raising saves you chips if the bb reraises and you have to fold. However, agressive players will view your min-raise a sign of weakness and thus be more likely to reraise you then if you had made a lagrer bet in the first place. (I do this all the time.)
Min-raising from the btn or sb with a monster may often be smart if you expect the bb to reraise you.
Post Flop Play
Since you raised so little preflop in all the situations above, putting the other players on a range of hands is difficult. The may have small pocket pairs, suited connectors, Ax, or pretty much atc.
Reading the texture of the flop in a multiway hand is difficult. Most of the time you miss the flop. Someone might already have a set and someone else will often have a strong straight or flush draw. It is worth noting that these are the hands that would often be folded to a larger raise preflop.
Against one player, few flops will concern you with AA. However, with any other hand it becomes difficult to know where you stand. Is your AKs good vs 269 rainbow flop, or did the bb just flop bottom pair? This in turn makes Cbetting more difficult. A larger raise preflop would have helped you put the player on a range of hands, thus allowing you to better read the flop. Be agressive with the best hand preflop and make them pay to draw out on you.
This is obviously my opinion as a TAG player. Min-raising probably has its place, but be sure you know why you are doing it. Furthermore, why don’t one of you min-raisers keep track of all your min-raises to see if you are profitable over 100 min-raises for example. Even better, group them into the categories above and post your results. Convince me that min-raising is better than the fundamental principle of aggression :)
How to get to FT without a real hand!
Good Read Gone Awry
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Playing medium connectors on the button
Small Pairs Late in the Game
MrSmith commented that I folded sveral small pocket pairs in the Game 1 win posted a few days ago. Here is a recap of my reasoning.
Situation: On the bubble with 8 players remaining in a 3/45. The blinds are 400/800 with 50 ante putting 1600 in the pot. I get four playable hands in a row, but fold them all.
Hand 67
CO: Roland GTX (11111 in chips) M6.9
BTN: sergeant999 (5054 in chips) M3.1
SB: nano88 (4440 in chips) M2.8
BB: zendude (19499 in chips) M12.2
The hand folds to me holding 44. What should I do? People call light in these turbos. The btn and sb are very short stacked. They might try to fold itm, but they might gamble too. Any hand that calls me will be at least two overcards making it a 52/48 cointoss. Normally, I will gladly take this cEV+ situation especially since I have the btn and sb sufficiently covered. The problem is the bb chipleader who has twice my stack. Any limp or standard raise I make, he can respond with an all in shove with atc assuming (correctly) that I won’t risk my nice stack on the bubble. On the other hand, my stack is a bit too big for me to make an all in steal attempt. The risk is not worth the gain, espcially on the bubble. if my stack were shorter I would have shoved, but in this situation playing it safe seemed ok with such a marginal hand as 44.
Hand 68
MP2 Roland GTX (11061 in chips) M 6.9
CO: sergeant999 (5004 in chips) M3.1
BTN: nano88 (3990 in chips) M2.5
SB: zendude (20249 in chips) M12.7
BB: cjs_one1 (8256 in chips) M5.2
It folds to me again, but this time Im holding 33. The situation is identical to the hand above with a few exeptions. My hand is slightly weaker and my position is slightly worse. More importantly, three players left to act are short stacked and need to make a move. Plus, the sb is still chipleader and can afford to gamble. Once again folding seemed safest even though it is a slightly cEV+ situation.
Hand 69
This time I pick up QJo. This hand looks nice, but it isn’t. Playing hands like this out of position is a sure way to spew chips. Anyone calling is going to be ahead of you holding Ax, Kx or a pair. I’m shoving if short stacked in this situation, but not with a healthy stack. Fold every time regardless of the bubble.
hand 70
Finally I get delt 55, one of my favorite hands. Once again Im way out of position and get an UTG all in in my face. A clear fold once again.
In other situations you see me shoving Q9o utg – LOL! One move seems crazy and the other seems tight passive. Relative stack sizes and position and the action preceeding me allow me to set a playable hand range. In other words, early in the game and out of postion A9o is garbage getting folded 100% of the time (if Im playing...). Whereas with an M of 3 I’m shoving A9o utg and thrilled to have picked up such a strong hand. Finally, heads up A9o is so strong that I might even consider slowplaying it against an agressive player. We can’t blindly look at our cards but have to consider the whole situation.
I hope this made some sense MrSmith
Reply to Bet Size Question
Short answer: A10s in this situation is a fist pumping insta-shove and hope your hand holds. You don’t even mind getting a caller. My standard line in this situation with an M of 3.75. I’m shoving a very wide range from the button. I’m shoving any two better than average cards. Above average being any two cards 8 or higher, any Ax, and any pocket pair. (Check the pushbot chart...)
Long answer: I did the math, but it isn’t too interesting. There are several other factors that are more important. Here is my way of looking at the situation.
1. You have 4320 chips with an M of 3.75. In other words you are short stacked and on the verge of being blinded out. You need to make a move before the blinds hit you again. you can’t reasonably expect a better hand and situation than this one.
Side note: I have noticed that Moshman’s level for blinding out is much lower than what you see in the 3/45 turbos. I have adjusted my minimum M to 3. Anything under that is getting called pretty much every time.
2. The action is folded to you AND you are on the button. The only one’s remaining are the blinds. If I’m facing the blinds, then I always proceed assuming they have a random hand.
3. You picked up A10s! This is a top 10% hand. I can’t think of any tournament situation in which you could fold A10s from the btn on an unopened pot. You MUST play this hand, folding is clearly not an option. So, now we know that we have to play this hand. What is the best line, limping, making a standard raise, or moving all in?
Bet Size
Both blinds, the only players remaining to act, are even shorter stacked than you are. The small blind has 3674 chips remaining with an M of 3.2. The big blind has 2885 remaining with an M of 2.5. In these situations, even if you were chip leader, you need to play as if you had a stack equal to the sb. However, in this case you actually do.
If you limp and get shoved on what are you planning on doing? If you intend on calling, then making a raise yourself is much better since it gives you the chance that they fold. If you manage to limp and miss the flop what do you do? Are you going to call a raise or fold? This becomes very difficult. You are so short stacked that I feel limping is just spewing chips and moving you even closer to being blinded out.
Just like above, what do you do if you make a small raise? Any raise will be pot committing the blinds if they decide to play. However, a non all in does give them the chance to run a stop and go on you. Furthermore, with your low M you cannot fold once you are in the hand. If you do you will be blinded out.
With an M of 5 or less, (or 10 bb or less in Moshman terms) the only raise is an all in raise. What happens if you shove?
1. You gain maximum fold equity
2. You remain the aggressor avoiding any reraise possibilities
3. You get your chips in the middle with a solid hand
4. The blinds are so short that you are miles ahead of their calling range
What happens when we shove?
I estimate the following:
both blinds fold 50%
If they both fold, great you pick up the much needed 1150 in the pot.
If you get 1 caller you are a 65% favorite vs a random hand, 48% vs a lower pair, about 30% vs 1010 – KK,AJ, AQ and AK. The only hand you are really afraid of is being a 13% dog vs AA.
All in all, this is a clear cut cEV+ situation. You want to shove this 100% of the time in this situation. The trick is not to get hung up in the results of the particular hand. Over time cEV+ actions do win money. Unfortunately, you were unlucky vs a miracle flush.
Bet sizes?
Note; I hit the T in the flop, which enables me to C-bet if he only calls (but that is not realistic given my bet size). Does a 2,5x bet of approx 1500 give me any possibilty to fold? Many questions.........
I hate poker, lol! My typical hand just before FT or early FT is 44, 33 eiher in cutoff or cutoff+1. I noticed in Rolands 2x 3/45 wins that he folded 2 small pp's in decent position, where I usually would overbet.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Simultaneous 3/45 wins
Game 1
Game 2
After reviewing both games, I have to admit that Im pretty nitty early on and pretty much push/fold once the blinds get up there. This is my standard game for the 45 man turbos, but I play rather differently in larger mtts like the Daily 30k. You have to be able to play post flop in those since stacks are so deep.
Feel free to be brutal :)
Lots of comments
I posted a bunch of long winded comments on all your games. Sorry for the lack of detail in yours MrSmith, but I havent seen too many from benko and klokkhammer and wanted to give them a better looking over.
I hope to post dates for the next Pstars tourney and the next home game tomorrow.
Ive been a bit busy :)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
$13 6-max
Interesting only because it's probably the loosest $13 6-max table I've ever played at. Should've bet the river on Hand 80 but fortunately all's well that ends well.... Still want to see Klokkhammer's replay!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
My biggest payout (so far)!
Yesterday I followed up with two 3 dollar tourney's. One 45 and one 90 turbo. Again I started well in the 45, but lost focus playing two games and was thrown out in the middle game against a river that ended in two pairs vs my highest pair. In the 90 i struggled, but managed to recover (play better when I focus on one game only) - my multi-table capacity is far below yours Roland - lol.
However, this time it ended well. I had less than average stack all the way, but played with one goal to sneak itm. With a triple all-inn 77, 1010 vs my QQ I suddenly were healthy enough to be itm-group with 30 players left. Then again I was below average until we were itm. Just struggling to survive I realised that I would manage to be 5-6th and secure a decent payout in my perspective, so I loosened up and started to steal blinds more aggresively. Tried to call or raise some pots pre-flop, but that was a waste of chips. So, it was either all-in or nothing. Luckily I managed to be in the best position pre-flop in all the all-in's and even win them - does not happen often!
So, being heads-up and turning the situation from 50k vs 70k, to 100k vs 20k by betting on every high card, I tried an all in with 10-6 vs Q-J. I felt I had to use my free chance on almost any range of cards as soon as he invited to go all-in, and it worked. The only hand I was behind during the game came to my rescue. Voila - I had won my first major tourney! Suddenly my statistics are pretty again.
I wished to let you see the game yourself, and not settle with this self-promoting version, but I did not get the hand-replayer to function. It only seems to work with a few hands. Does somebody have the recipe? You all seem to manage.
PS! I have started to call with more of my pairs, in order to try to get sets on the flop (after being the donk in the two last home games due to benkogambit doing this to me). Yesterday my 44 ended being a very strong hand with 443 on the flop. A poor russian player actually had 33 and thought he had me. I felt just as sorry for him, as you did with me in the last games benko...
Hands 151 to 175
Hands 176 to 190
Final hands
PS: There was a problem with hand 193 which was causing the problems with the replayer. I had to break the hand history into smaller groups just to pinpoint the problem. However, I still don't know what was wrong with that hand. I rewrote it manually just to get it up:)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Home Game
A couple of staged photos per MrSmith's request....
Challenge Results: 100 games
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Update: Day 1
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Update: Final hand Medoly
Challenge Update: Test Run
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Challenge: One hundred - One dollar sngs - One week
I want to try something a bit different at Pokerstars. I need to take a break from the 3/45 turbos, and I was inspired after reading about Boku87 (thanks MrSmith).
Boku87 was a SuperNova Elite and has done two personal challenges. In the first, he turned $100 into $10 000 in under two weeks. Now, he is trying to turn $5 into $100 000 in 12 months. He seems to be an ABC-poker type of player, but he also manages to play 500 sngs daily! Check out his blog, the Pokerstars blog, or YouTube if you want more details on what it means to multitable 50 games an hour all day long...
So, who wants to attempt a 500 game day with me? LOL, now that would be something! Seriously though, I’ve been looking at the Battle of the Planets leader board, my bankroll and the available sngs at Pokerstars and suggest the following challenge.
Challenge: One hundred - One dollar sngs - One week
Here are the details and rules
Time frame: complete 100 games within a 1 week period. The leader board runs from Sunday to Sunday each week. I might start tonight, or I might wait until Sunday.
Buyin: Only $1 buyins are allowed. This corresponds to the lowest division Mercury with its $1-$2.99 buyin
Size: Only tourneys with 6 players to 27 players give points
Your best block of 20 games counts toward the low orbit leader board. There is a 5 block maximum. Plus, your 100 games will also count as one block in high orbit leader board. Therefore, 100 games in the challenge.
Results from each day will be posted.
Can I complete 100 games in a week? Can I manage a positive ROI? Can I make the leader board?
I think this will be a fun challenge and a nice diversion from the 45s. I plan on playing a mix of 9 man $1.10 sngs and 18 man $1.75 turbo sngs. To reach 100 games, I plan on multitabling around 15 games per session. So, with one crazy hour of play each day, I’ll be on track for reaching my mark.
My goal is obviously to be profitable. Moreover, I want to see how my hand range and line holds up under the stress of so many tables. Being forced to run on autopilot for a hundred games should give me an indication.
If anyone else dare join the challenge then we can run prop bets and see who is best!
Any takers?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Christmas in November
Close but no Cigar: again and again and again...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Playing Card Reviews
All the decks come in plastic two-deck boxes with a divider down the middle but the Modiano box has no lid and the lid on the COPAGs fits too tightly so score one for the KEMs.
All the decks have a white border around the edge of the backs. I like the COPAG design best followed by the Modiano but all are acceptable. Among individual decks, I would probably rate the COPAG gold first followed by the Modiano green. The Modiano brown is an orangy brown.
The Modianos have the most rounded corners; the KEMs, the sharpest corners.
The KEMs seem to me to be the most traditional and most attractive.
The white portions of the Modianos are the brightest. The KEMs have a slightly greyish tint and the COPAGs a slightly cream-colored tint.
The Modianos have the deepest red, almost a maroon, and the COPAGs the lightest red. In general, the color on the COPAGs seems very washed out and unappealing compared to the other two.
Interior Background
I was a bit disappointed to discover that only the Modianos have the yellow background on the non-facecards, which I like quite a bit. (The photos online had led me to believe that the COPAGs also had this feature but apparently not.) In addition, the line comprising the interior border on the COPAGs is blue rather than black or red, which I think was a poor design choice.
The numbers and letters on the Modianos are the most rounded, the ones on the KEMs the most elongated and the ones on the COPAGs the most blocky. The heart and spade symbols are the most rounded on the Modianos. I personally prefer the Modianos in this respect.
All the cards are plastic but the COPAGs have the most papery look and feel and the KEMs the most plasticky. Both I and my 13-year-old independent consultant picked out the Modianos as having the nicest feel. The COPAG deck is noticeably thinner than the other two. The KEMs are less slippery. All three shuffle nicely with the main difference being that the KEMs offer a bit more resistance when marrying the two halves of the deck together.
Right out of the box, the KEMs have the most chemical scent, the Modianos the most neutral, but I imagine this will fade over time.
The KEMs have a pleasant crunchy texture but also leave a bit of a chemical aftertaste. The Modianos go down well with a nice dry red. The COPAGs were chewiest.
The Modianos win hands down, the other jokers are terrible. What were they thinking?
Hard to tell how the cards will wear but you can probably guess that based on first impressions, the Modianos are far and away my favorites with the KEMs a distant second. Another triumph for Italian design! Will have to try to get my hands on some Dal Negros next....

QQ in the 3+R/180 turbo
I'm sure I lost since it was a new table and I had no notes/reads on the other players. Anyway, sometimes I really hate QQ, lol.
QQ in Daily 30 K
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Paulson Chips (continued)
Since the acrylic chip carrier will hold 600 chips, I figured I might as well go ahead and order 600 chips (instead of 550). For a 600 chip, four denomination set, I've seen several different recommendations on ChipTalk and elsewhere including:
A few people have commented that the second lowest denomination chip is the most useful, which sounds plausible, so I'm currently leaning towards a 160/240/120/80 split. With 8 players, I could still run a T5000 tourney with starting stacks of 20x25, 15x100, 4x500 and 1x1000 as you suggested or, with 10 players, 16x25, 16x100, 4x500 and 1x1000. Or even run a deep stack T10000 tourney with few enough players.
BTW, I will probably use the following blind structure which smooths out some of the percentage increases in the blinds from one level to the next:
color up
color up
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
More on Benko's Setup
Friday, November 6, 2009
Comment on Benko's chipset
Playing HU with 1 demon sounds good benko, but it isn't always practical. Unless you intend on jumping to a new blinds level when the game gets down to two players, you won't necessarily be at a blinds level that allows for $1000 chips. I set up a blinds schedule based on what you posted (see first pic). Furthermore, I compared your blinds to mine in terms of M and the starting stack. Check out the blinds section over at HPT if you want more info on the subject (see links section of blog).
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Private game on Sunday
Our next private game is now available from the tournament lobby at Pokerstars. Check out the left hand corner of the blogg for the password.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Thoughts on HU anyone?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Le Paulson Noir Chips
EDIT: Here is a link to the post with Benko's pictures of the Le Paulson Noir chips. There are also several other posts looking at chips needed, etc. If you don't find what you need feel free to post a question. - Roland GTX
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Ending a 21 game losing streak!
Anyways guys! Very quiet here last 2 weeks, did u quit playing?
Friday, October 16, 2009
NL Omaha HI/LO 18 man
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Sundays game (11/10-09)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Dont u just love it!
I had previous notes on this guy and he lived up to his name (took 2 pots chasing flushes), but this was a bit irritating nonetheless.