Good morning
I didn’t get in too much poker over the weekend, but the little I played was profitable. I had one 1st, one 2nd place finish, I was itm in 6 of the 14 games played, and I managed a much needed 140 % roi. It looks like PokerStars has finally turned the Doom switch off for me.
I don’t want to rant (too much), but I have lost 14 consecutive all in situations with KK since the start of July. Four of these were lost after flopping a set! And nearly all of them were near the bubble. Talk about right move wrong result – LOL! Although, I have luckboxed a few river suckouts myself too.
I didn’t see MrSmith last night, but I did follow Seabreeze in a 90 man. He showed some nice tight-aggressive play and a lot of patience late in the game. He had a survivable stack with 16 players remaining (top 12 itm) when I went to bed. Let us know how it turned out...
By the way, I must say that I like the 90 man blind structure better than that of the 45 man tourneys. Both use 5 minute intervals, but the 90’s increase lesser amounts when they go up. This seems to allow for more post flop play than in the 45’s Any thoughts?
Klokkhammer should be back at work today. So, hopefully he will get set up here soon. Benkogambit is still on vacation though. He should show up next week.
I would like to set up a private PokerStars tourney for Sunday 23 August at 9 PM Oslo time. Let me know if this works for you (use the ”comment” function).
I just ordered some new cards for our next home game, too. These Copags have the yellow faces I like. I should have them in a day or two :)
Nice blog Roland!
ReplyDeleteI will attend on Sunday. Can't see what is going to stop me :)
Great weekend results Roland. I got 2nd in the 45 tourney we played together last week. I was playing from a hotelroom in Malmø :)
In the end i had a small chip lead against 2slim2sexy, and went all-in with A6u against Q9u. He got a flush(!) - reducing my stack to alomst nothing. Then two quick all-ins and I were out. Still it was encouraging after 4-5 games without being itm.
Looking forward to use this blog.
Nice finish and great that you can make it on Sunday! MrSmith is unsure if he will make it a, bnd I haven't heard from the others. I'm going to set up the tourney now nonetheless. Make sure you check back in to get the password:)
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