I don’t tilt often, but I sure did last night! After my post yesterday, I was feeling pretty good. I fired up a set of games last night including the $10 Daily 30K. Things started off well. I got dealt KK my second hand, but A67 suited on the flop and I had to let the hand go. At least I didn’t get stacked. Two hands later I got QQ and had to let that one go too on an AKx flop. By this time I was short and got all in with AKs and lost to pocket 3’s. Fair enough. I was irritated by the missed flops but still playing smart poker.
Well, one of the other games I had started was a $12 180 man turbo. I lost half my stack fairly early after flopping two pair with AK and losing to a set, but managed to keep my head and got back in the game with some great reads and aggressive play. The cards started falling my way and I had a good feeling about this tourney.

By the time we were ITM, the blinds were 1000/2000 plus ante. I had a slightly less than average stack with around 10K and was doing well stealing blinds. We were down to 15 players when I picked up AA utg. I shoved and got insta-called by a slightly larger stack holding KK. Oh yeah, perfect situation! I was convinced I was going to get my revenge against the hand that has cost me so much lately. Plus, doubling up would put me in the top 3 of the tourney with a real shot at a record high payout. Obviously, it wasn’t meant to be. He flopped a K giving him a set, and just to rub it in he rivered the 4th K for quads sending me to the rail. You better believe that I seriously tilted at this point – LOL!
I ”sat out” of my other games for a few minutes and tried to mentally regroup, but when I returned I was spewing chips left and right losing those games too. At this point, I should have simply turned off the computer and found something else to do. However, being in tilt mode, I decided it would be better to fire up 6 more 3/45’s simultaneously so that I could ”win back” my loses! Yeah, that worked out nicely – lol! I don’t think I made it even to the top 18 in a single one of them.
I’m no longer tilting (I think), but I may play some single table sngs tonight just for a slower tempo. Look me up if you want to play a game together. I’m even up for a 25 cent game Seabreeze. How did you end up in the 90 man last night. Last I saw there were 35 left and you were middle of the pack?
Hehe! I had 1 tourny last week where I got dealt KK 5x and won every one of them.
ReplyDeleteLucky bastard :)
ReplyDeleteI know, two of my fellow players even commented on it during the game. Every time I had them I either doubled up or knocked out a shorty, lol!
ReplyDeleteSince you are online, does that mean you will be playiing tonight????
ReplyDeleteWrong laptop unfortunately!