Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Aces cracked, again! Don't you just love the river?


  1. Did someone say "right move, wrong result"!

    You are winning that hand nearly 70% of the time even considering that it's a multiway pot.

    If I were "me" (how did they get that name I wonder?!), flat calling the all in with you still left to act would never have happened. I would have quietly folded my hand.
    It is early in the tourney
    You have a tight image
    The only hand I'm really ahead of (if I give my my tight range) would be 1010. The only other options are a higher pair or two overcards meaning we are in for a race. An oop raise from a tight player so early means a premium hand, so I put the odds of you folding if I move all in as being lower than expected.

  2. Correct! Maybe it was too early in the tourny for the other players to have noted my image. There are so many donks that pay no attention at all, so it's back to the matter of not getting involved in races early. Then again; How can I not get involved with AA, lol. JJ I woulda folded, like you.
