Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"On tilt" performance

After losing 2 x AA and KK in cash gaming, lol!


  1. Very nice game MrSmith! Judging by the tempo, this was a 3/45 turbo I'm guessing. However, I'm a bit confused. I didn't see any signs of tilting in your play. If anything, you played more conserved than usual. There were a one or two situations midgame when you might have missed out on profitable resteal opportunities. I didn't notice any hands where I felt you made a obvious "mistake".

    I mention the restealing only because I didn't see a single resteal or shove on high blind limper your entire game. Perhaps no situations were available in this one. Typically those moves are part of your game.


    Roland GTX

    PS: The August private game is now set up.

  2. Nice win, MrSmith. Your high blind decision-making looked good to me. As Roland suggests, maybe you could have shoved with KQo over the open limper but perhaps you suspected a trap? Nice to pick up the big pairs when you did!

    Hand 9 I don't think there was any point in leading out with a 1/4 pot bet into three other players with second pair. No queen or flush draw was going to go away. Better to check and see what the subsequent betting told you (as it turns out, all three players liked their hands enough to go all-in!) and thus save 120 chips.
