Monday, March 8, 2010

Next Private Game

It is time for our next private game. There is a good chance that we will see a few new faces at the table this time. MrSmith has some colleagues in Sweden and I have some colleagues in Denmark that are interested. MrEMC2 might be bringing someone as well. The rest of you better start increasing your recruiting activities... :) 

I've set up the tourney for Sunday at 9:00 PM. I hope that works for everyone. My dad will also be celebrating his birthday that day. Let's see if that helps his luck...

I hope to see everyone there!



  1. Hey Greg :)

    I may be attending your private game if its okay?

    Morten (copydan) :)

  2. Great, you are more than welcome!

    But even better if you don't use my real name in the future :)


  3. Good stuff!

    I'm hoping my colleagues "Beatfreak1", "RadicaL_RaT" and the rookie "barbapaps" show up if they dare, lol!


  4. I am doubtful whether I will make it today. GL everyone - hope too see you in the game!
