All is good on my end. After nearly six weeks away from the tables, I am finally getting back into the groove. I am taking poker more seriously than ever and my results indicate that I have gotten a decent handle on Zoom cash tables at 25NL and lower. I have been mixing it up with 6-Max and Full Ring. Most of my online play is at Pokerstars, but I drop by Full Tilt now an then. I would play more tourneys there. However, I find it hard to run games on both sites simoutaniously. I tend to time out too often.
I have been pretty activite talking and writing about poker, but all of that is happening at PokerSchoolOnline.
Here is a link to my June/July Update. Aslo, if you want to follow a real pro, I suggest checking out xflixx. He is a PSO trainer and now a member of Pokerstars Team Online! He has an excellent video blog that on Facebook that he updates daily. He is scary good!
GL and have fun at the tables!
Roland GTX